St Petersburg International Conference of Afghan Studies

72 Санкт-Петербургская международная конференция по афганистике Секция 5. Паттерны политической жизни Афганистана и трансграничных регионов... Religious and doctrinal errors of the Taliban, according to the IS, are the refusal to immediately introduce the Sharia law and the establishment of such institutions as hissa and Sharia courts, a conniving attitude to the cultivation and use of illicit narcotic substances. The political criticism of the Taliban is limited to pointing out a purely national agenda of this movement, its readiness to recognize the boundaries of existing states and international organizations, which, in the opinion of the ideologists of the IS, should be equated with shirk . The interviews and political reviews also criticized the intrigues of the Taliban leadership that hid the death of Mullah Omar, tarnished themselves by cooperating with the allies of the “Crusaders” — the current governments of Afghanistan and Pakistan, as well as with the intelligence services of these countries 1 . After the proclamation of the Wilayah Khorasan, a special fatwa was issued and widely distributed, including a publication in Dabiq, which was allegedly intended to answer the questions of the Taliban fighters. From the Islamic point of view, it justifies the need to forget the oaths of allegiance given to Mullah Omar and swear allegiance to the Caliph al-Baghdadi 2 . In the propaganda of the IS, great attention has been paid to the living and dead heroes of the IS in the Wilayah Khorasan from among the former Taliban, who managed to realize their fallacies and come to an allegedly genuine Sunnism. Even in 2017, when the Caliphate in Syria and Iraq has been losing a battle after battle, and its territory is shrinking like a shagreen skin, the ideologists of the IS do not abandon the slogan “ [It] hall be preserved and expanded ”. In the propaganda of the IS, in particular in the new glossy Caliphate magazine “ Rumiyyah ”, much attention has been paid to the events and especially to “victories” in other wilayahs , including the Wilayah of Khorasan. 3 М. С. Баконина (независимый исследователь, Санкт-Петербург, Россия) Вилайет Хурасан, или Исламское государство против Талибан: религиозно-политическое обоснование войны (по материалам «глянцевых» журналов Дабик и Румиййа ) Провозглашение «Халифата» (далее — халифат) в июле 2014 года стало доктринальной революцией, которая полностью изменила идейно-политиче- ский ландшафт в исламском мире, особенно ту его часть, которую контроли- руют идеологи политического исламизма. Решение провозгласить халифат 1 See, for example, Al-Quaeda of Waziristan // DABIQ , №6. P. 40–55. 2 See Fatwa for Khorasan // DABIQ , №10. P. 20–24. 3 See, for example, RUMIYAH, №7. P. 35–36.