St Petersburg International Conference of Afghan Studies

St Petersburg International Conference of Afghan Studies 25 Panel One. Historiography and Sources on Afghanistan... authored by the court chronicler of Emir Habibullah Khan Faiz Muhammad. The translation of the fragment “Siraj at-Tavarikh” performed by these people also remained a manuscript, although, like all unpublished works of A. V. Stanishevsky it was widely used by young researchers of Afghanistan, as he himself claimed. In the pre-war, war and post-war years, A. V. Stanishevsky once again focused on the Afghan problem-as a recognized expert, he was in demand on all fronts. In 1940, he first published his pamphlet, and then the book “Afghanistan”, both under the auspices of the military department. In 1945, he completed a large-scale project — “Review of Printed Sources on Afghanistan, Published in Russian since the XVIII century to 1940” with a total volume of 600 pages. In the second half of 1947 — early 1948. A. V. Stanishevsky participates in the demarcation of the Soviet-Afghan border — first in the Pamirs, and at the final stage — in Tashkent, where he transcribes geographical names on delimitation maps. Being extremely busy at the main job in the analytical departments of the law enforcement agencies and solving specific tasks, more often in a confidential mode, he nevertheless maintained close ties with local colleagues and students, but also was well known as an amateur polyhistor in Moscow and Leningrad university-academic circles. Ignoring the conventions of academic life with its special hierarchy and ethics and, as a result, personal autonomy, gradually developing into marginality — this is the formula of his professional career and at the same time its price. However, the undoubted merit of A. V. Stanishevsky is the upbringing of high-level orientalists (T. G. Abayeva, etc.) — although from the formal point of view they can not be considered his scientific school (he himself did not have academic degrees at all), but he had a decisive influence on their choice of research topics and supported them at the initial stages of professional development. At the same time, A. V. Stanishevsky, being an erudite of the widest range (history and contemporary problems of Central Asia, Afghanistan, north-western China, etc.), but working in the autonomous mode of special programs / missions, was in his lifetime and remains to this day little known in the university and academic community. This does not do justice either to his real contribution to academic and applied Afghan Studies and related disciplines, or to the tasks of studying the history of Russian Oriental Studies. В. С. Бойко (Алтайский государственный педагогический университет / Алтайский государственный университет, Барнаул, Россия) А. В. Станишевский и проблемы формирования экспертно-аналитического направления в советской афганистике С середины 1850-х гг. Б. Дорн, а позднее и другие востоковеды предприняли первые опыты в области учебной, научной и прикладной афганистики, но прак- тические задачи и прежде всего российско-британское соперничество в Азии